Saturday, 7 May 2011

Screw Chuck Norris! Hulkamania RULES

Hey guys, I might get a lot of flak for this but I have to tell ya brother, all of this Chuck Norris jokes can be put to sleep by an ultimate force known as Hulk Hogan and his Hulkamaniacs lol.  I just finished reading his autobiography and it was quite a good read.  What was really insightful was how jacked up this dude was from way back when.  He is like a walking billboard for steroids bu its all cool -anybody making the argument that steroids will cause you to die young just look at the Hulkster!  Back to the norris jokes -Chuck is lame, have you ever seen the Hulkster's recent appearance on TV? The guy is hilarious, I just love how he still lives wrestling!  Go to Youtube and check out his interview wiht Joe Rogan at a UFC event...LOL!

Okay I shall stop making mindless noise now!!

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