Saturday 28 May 2011

Synthol -The "growth" drug for morons!

SYNTHOL - A oil based intravascular substance which is being used the world over and has gained a considerable amount of hate in bodybuilding communities.  First thing to note about this is -IT IS NOT A STEROID! It simply makes you look big by inflaming the muscles. This of course is very dangerous and these guys look like retards (see above) . Can anyone please explain what looks so good about the guy in the picture? It looks like training tubes for gym rats.  Needless to say I suppose this is for the super lazy and who are probably not on any anabolics (unless you can count Cheetos as such)

Nutritious Meals for the everyday health nut

Hey guys,

Our friends at Proudlysa-recipes have some amazing recipes that you guys can try at home!  Now a few of these you might not want to indulge too much on (especially the lamingtons and koeksisters).  We would recommend you check them out at .  Here is to hoping you all have a great weekend and remember to

Sunday 22 May 2011

Be Educated on Steroids

I am writing this post to all first time steroid users and folks who seek the help of steroids but do not know how to use them properly.

Contrary to popular belief one does not need excessive amounts of steroids to attain great size gains -actually you do not need that much at all.  Look at steroids as a supplement -because this is what it actually is.  People should aim to have a well balanced diet of at least 5000 calories (a must if you wish to grow).  Consuming a huge amount of anabolics is only going to mess up organs such as your kidneys and worse yet, your liver.  Do yourselves a favour and educate yourselves as much as humanly possible! I was too impatient and although I am not suffering any ill effects after use, I can honestly say that my gains left much to be desired.

Here is what I learned:

-Use multivitamins as they keep toxins away from your system
-Do your homework!! It helps you not by going to the biggest guy in the gym and just taking his word.
-Drink ampule amounts of water!
-Make sure your diet is bulletproof! Consume whole foods and where possible add supplements such as whey protein etc.
-Stop making excuses to not go to gym, rather force yourselves -you'll thank yourself later.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Anabolic Profiles for viewing pleasure!

Howzit Guys, here is a little review of anabolic steroids from our friends at ! This should clear up a couple of things in relation to steroids! I hope you guys find this as insightful as I did. Remember that performance enhancers (anabolics, pro hormones etc) are here to stay.

Just follow the link below and save to your pcs.

For the guys in South-Africa do yourselves a favour and keep visiting this site as Mr. Mccabe is very knowledgable on the subject of fitness and anabolic steroids!


Tuesday 17 May 2011

Powerful Pomegranate!

For all the health consious guys out there, read up on this:

The Pomegranate can do wonders for the avid bodybuilder! A Great way to add anti oxidants into your system and goes for about R40.00 for two litres at Woolworths. READ ON:

Are you aware of the power of the pomegranate if not let me attempt to make you aware of the power of this amazing fruit.
  • Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants which offer numerous health benefits.
  • Antioxidants are molecules that can neutralise free radicals before they can do damage thus preventing such maladies as cancer, heart disease, and premature aging.
  • Pomegranate fruit has a very high content of naturally occurring antioxidants that, when ingested, should be utilised by the body to neutralise free radicals from doing damage to the body.
  • The antioxidants that occur in fruits and vegetables are called polyphenols.
  • Pomegranate juice was found to neutralize 71% of the free radicals it came into contact with. This is one of the most effective sources of antioxidants, better than red wine @ 46%, blueberry juice @ 33% and green tea @ 10%.
  • Pomegranate juice enhances Nitric Oxide levels. Appropriate levels of Nitric Oxide production are important in protecting an organ such as the liver from ischemic damage – ie restricted blood supply.
  • Pomegranate seeds are a rich source of healthy fat called conjugated linolenic acid.
  • According to new research the fats in Pomegranate may actually enhance fat loss and muscle gain.
  • The research conducted by the University of Houston determined that rats fed a high fat diet supplemented with pomegranate seeds gained less body fat and had increased insulin sensitivity and increased leptin levels.
  • Increased leptin levels can boost metabolism- which helps burn body fat
  • Increased insulin sensitivity can enhance both fat loss and muscle gain – due to the fact that insulin is more active in the muscle cells – this means it instigates muscle protein synthesis and blood sugar uptake – it also prevents carbohydrates from being stored as body fat.
  •  Pomegranate arils contain – protein / carbohydrates and fibre
  • Try a cup either with breakfast or pre – workout
  • An average cup will contain:
    • 144 calories
    • 3 grams of protein
    • 33 grams of carbs
    • 7 grams of fibre

Saturday 7 May 2011

Screw Chuck Norris! Hulkamania RULES

Hey guys, I might get a lot of flak for this but I have to tell ya brother, all of this Chuck Norris jokes can be put to sleep by an ultimate force known as Hulk Hogan and his Hulkamaniacs lol.  I just finished reading his autobiography and it was quite a good read.  What was really insightful was how jacked up this dude was from way back when.  He is like a walking billboard for steroids bu its all cool -anybody making the argument that steroids will cause you to die young just look at the Hulkster!  Back to the norris jokes -Chuck is lame, have you ever seen the Hulkster's recent appearance on TV? The guy is hilarious, I just love how he still lives wrestling!  Go to Youtube and check out his interview wiht Joe Rogan at a UFC event...LOL!

Okay I shall stop making mindless noise now!!

Friday 6 May 2011

How to get the most out of gym...

There must be some reason why certain people build more muscle and lose more fat than others.
Said another way, if two equally gifted individuals start working out ... why does one make significant progress and the other looks like they don't even belong to a gym?
Is it simply a random occurrence - the proverbial, "your genetics determine your physique"?
Is it simply whoever trained harder on that particular day? Is it simply that one person had a greater desire to challenge themselves than the other?
To be sure things like genetics, opportunity and desire contribute to the outcome of most bodybuilders, but there is another factor - often unseen - that plays a huge role in determining who gets to show off the six pack when summer rolls around.
And that factor is "gym strategy."
That is -
More...In a high percentage of instances between two equally-gifted bodybuilders, the one who plays "smarter" will accomplish the goals they set.
In fact, by playing "smarter" not only will you make more progress against equally-gifted people, you'll eventually surpass people who are "genetically better" than you! (I.E. Skinny Guys can be bigger than Naturally Muscular people.)
One thing that I've been guilty of over the years and a trap I've seen almost every bodybuilder I know fall into as well is devoting time, energy and money to improving technically, but not strategically.
In other words: too many lifters try to improve our weight used without improving our use of them.
I'll give you a perfect example:
Tony has been working out at the local gym for 5 years. He's improved his lifts in almost all areas. He's stronger and he's bigger than when he started. But his physique doesn't change too much. Tony looks the same this year as he did the last 3 years. There's one guy at the gym who's body shape changes a lot, to the point he's been accused (silently) of taking something.
Why? This guy comes into the gym with a solid plan (usually pre-printed). He is immediately focused on doing the workout he planned quickly and efficiently. His stopwatch won't allow him to have those 2-3 hour workouts. He'll be in and out of the gym in 60 minutes for sure. If something is taken, he's immediately got another exercise in mind and is doing it. He doesn't seem to do the same routine forever.
So, that's what we're going to talk about during the remainder of this report. I'm going to quickly share the mental strategy that I've developed after 17+ years of bodybuilding and watching what goes on in the gym.
I call it the "How to B.E.A.T Any Bodybuilder At Your Level system. I use the acronym B.E.A.T. to illustrate the four critical steps of this winning system. Each letter B, E, A and T to represent one of the four steps...

B: BE systematic in your workouts.

In other words, come to the gym with a game plan. Have a basic idea of what exercises you want to perform - both sets and reps. Mentally prepare to do the workout. Many people will visually go thru an entire leg routine before ever doing it. Go the gym full well knowing what it is you want to do. Track your progress in a journal. Know what works for you and what doesn't. Keep the things that work, ditch the things that don't.

E: ESTABLISH control of your focus.

Concentrate and focus on getting in the gym and out of the gym. Save the chatter for later. The more you can establish control of your focus (concentrate) the better your workouts will be and the less frazzled you'll become. You'll be able to concentrate on the areas that need the most attention and less on those that don't. Better focus leads to less time spend standing around.

A: ATTACK your weakness.

Every person has a weak or lagging body part. Your job is to determine what your weakness is and improve the area it as often as possible. Do you have weak calves? Train calves with determination and not as an after thought when leaving the gym. If your chest is your weak point, then focus on it. Bring up your lagging body parts and make them a priority. If your arms
are already huge, skip arm workouts and focus on your weakest body part.

T: TRANSITION as needed.

Workout routines are great to have - and oftentimes they work like a charm. But, what happens when they don't? You go to Plan B, of course! Prepare in advance what to do if certain things are happening. I have a list that includes such entries as, "If the incline bench is taken, I'll move to the Swiss ball and do dumbbell press on them followed by push-ups."
The important thing to learn is this: if you outsmart your typical gym-goers, you'll usually surpass them. Especially if they're at an equal skill level. And even if they're genetically better than you in many cases.
Head to the gym today, but don't just take your gym bag with you. Take your strategy as well. That's your real secret weapon.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Legal roids?? Read up on this!

Legal steroids is something that has not rally taken off in South-Africa, people still find themselves buying illegal gear from the gym rats around town.  Here is an article covering what legal steroids is and gives you some insight on what would work for you and avoid a slap on the wrist and less chance of buying some fake steroids! READ ON...

Are "Legal Steroids" a scam?
There are tons of websites trying to scam you selling you "legal steroids"? Millions of people have done it for years (not only involving steroid drugs but some other legal or illegal things available for sale online) and continue to do it day-after-day.
Some reports are showing that at every minute of the day there`s someone who is buying different stuff on the internet. But here`s the challenging and the hard part, it is difficult to find a reliable and trusted steroid source that is really sending you illegal anabolics ordered and sent through the mail without getting caught.
But let me set one thing straight Dianabol is the Godfather off all anabolic steroids. No amount of any legal supplement will ever compare to a pro bodybuilder cycle of D-Bol… EVER! With that being said, I think you can see where I am going. No professional bodybuilder could compete on stage without taking serious doses of illegal anabolic steroids. In fact, there are a few suppliers who sell hardcore "legal steroids" that definitely produce results.
For everyone else the steroid alternatives market is making amazing advancements every year.From DHEA to Androstene and Nor-androstene to the new boldenone precursor, I have to say… these legal steroids really do in fact work, again, some more effective than others, but they all really do work! Finding the legit supplier is the hardest part. When you combine them with the new developments in delivery mechanisms and make them more bio-available… wow! Not only are there scientific tests to back them up, they get TONS of customer feedback each month with hundreds of satisfied customers. The pro-hormone market has never been so good! The question is, how long will it last? "Legal steroids",prohormones,prosteroids and hormonal constituents are the newest trend and if you can find a legitimate supplier, you'll be very please with the result you achiebe using these products.
Always follow certain rules when purchasing legal steroids. It's very important to be smart and take your time researching a legitimate supplier that will deliver on a timely basis. Note: About 95% of the so called " legit steroids suppliers online" are complete scammers. This is a fact. We have heard the nightmare stories to many times. Be careful. Before you pay money and attempt to buy legal steroids online, here are some essential tips.
There are a lot of steroids forums today, do a search on your favorite search engine, register with them and find what are advanced bodybuilders and steroid users are saying. Try to post a thread and ask any experienced athlete, male or female bodybuilder about their source, they all are telling you the same thing: I can`t give you my source of steroids but yes, ordering legal anabolic steroids online from trusted and genuine sources is still safe!
They are not disclosing their supplier list source because they do not want their source getting busted. Even so, ordering illegal anabolic steroids from the internet has it's problems. The major problem is staying informed who is a legit supplier and who is a scammer. Don't be a fool and get scammed. Learn from my and buy from a legit supplier.
Almost all internet scammers earn their money from people who don't know where to look for information about legit suppliers . So keep in mind : Don't get ripped off when you buy legal anabolic steroids online. Make sure you are getting the real thing.
I will always go the legal route and I personally have packed on 30 pounds of muscle in the last 3 years using only legal steroids.
When used correctly, legal steroids can be huge for anyone interested in gaining muscle, from the 'newbie to the serious steroid using bodybuilder. You can pack on hard ripped muscle without using illegal steroids. Legal steroids are here to stay and most places even guarantee they produce results or you can get your money back.


A Few facts on steroids

Welcome guys, for my very 1st post I'll try and enlighten some folks on Steroids.  Don't worry, this article is not going to bore you, this is just to shed some light on some of the myths surrounding the use of anabolic steroids...READ ON.

Anyone involved in the world of bodybuilding, and competitive sport generally, will understand the pressures that go with striving to achieve optimal performance. Sometimes athletes feel they cannot reach their peak without artificially enhancing their powers of recovery from intensive training. One way to speed up this process is through the use of anabolic steroids. In this article we'll examine what anabolic steroids actually do. In a second article we'll focus on the dangers associated with steroid use.

The main active ingredient in steroids is testosterone which is well known as the major male hormone. Testosterone affects the body in two ways, either as an anabolic or an androgenic influence. The anabolic action helps build body tissue by increasing lean muscle mass and bone density. The androgenic actions are those that affect secondary sex characteristics in men.

In recent years research has provided some interesting information in relation to testosterone:

1. It affects muscle size through muscle fiber hypertrophy with an increase in the cross-sectional area of muscle fiber.
2. It takes a dose of at least 300 milligrams of testosterone to raise the body's level above normal.
3. It acts directly on the muscle itself.
4. It stimulates the release of growth hormone.
5. It has an anti-catabolic effect.

From these facts we can deduce that testosterone is an effective aid to muscle building and that it must be taken in significant quantities to have this effect. As far as bodybuilding is concerned the science beyond this is somewhat limited as most users base their steroid regimes on little more than trial and error or the advice of 'veterans'. Due to the illegal nature of steroid use little scientific data exists to confirm the effectiveness of the many steroid supplements in use.
It is perhaps the tendency of some bodybuilders to use a combination of powerful steroids and other drugs that presents the very real dangers that have sometimes led to tragic consequences